These adorable little guys are easy-as to whip up, and are the perfect craft for little ones with a love of all things aquatic. Grab your empty Yallamundi Farm egg box and give them a try!
Sustainability, no-waste, nature-inspired
- A Yallamundi Farm egg carton
- Scissors
- Green paint
- Markers
- Green pipe cleaners
- Green pom poms
- Craft glue
- Tape
Cut the round egg cups from the inside of a Yallamundi Farm egg carton into individual cups. Each cup will naturally have two or three round recesses which we will use later on. Flip the cup upside down and paint the outside green.
Allow the paint to fully dry, then use markers to make shell markings in brown or darker green. Get creative and make whatever kind of shell markings you like; you could draw spots or squares or even hearts!
Cut the pipe cleaners into small lengths around 5cm long – you’ll need four 5cm segments for each turtle. Fold each small length of pipe cleaner in half and twist the cut ends together to make little legs. Make four legs for each turtle.
Tape or glue the legs to the inside of the egg carton cup, making sure to leave one of the larger recesses in the cup free for the turtle head. Bend the end of legs to help the turtles to stand.
Apply a little bit of glue to the inside of the recess for the turtle head, then wedge a pom pom inside. Leave to dry.